Four Intelligence Theories

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There are several theories of Intelligence ranging from whether intelligence should be measured by one test or whether one can measure intelligence in several tests. Intelligence has been defined as the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations. Since the surroundings we live in affect our experiences, then our intelligence naturally has to vary across cultures and time. Learning from our experiences and solving problem while living in the heat of Dubai for example will require different skills and knowledge for optimal living to someone living in the Amazon rain forest where they may have to understand the medicinal qualities of local plants. One of the ways to understand intelligence is to compare and contrast the historical and contemporary …show more content…

Gardner for example classified intelligence into eight independent intelligences which include a broad range of skills beyond traditional school smarts. Gardner’s eight intelligences can see the skill of people with savant syndrome for example as showing brilliance even when other areas of the brain may be compromised. In this theory, although Nathaniel Ayers lacked the ability to reason in some areas such as when he was with a priest praying people and looked confused or when he was talking to Mr. Lopez and suddenly sees a plane in the sky and asks Mr. Lopez if he was flying that plane, this theory could find Nathaniel Ayers other areas of strength without being labeled as unintelligent. Ayers could play a full musical score without looking at any music to perfect timing and tune like no other person and played instrument like the violin without any formal training. Because Gardner sees an individual’s intelligence as made up of multiple intelligences, the brilliance of Ayers could be measured and appreciated as contributing to his overall intelligence