How Did Alexander Fleming Contribute To The Discovery Of Penicillin

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There have been many biologists throughout the years that have contributed a wealth of knowledge to the scientific community. One biologist in particular that was credited as having a major discovery in the world was Alexander Fleming. Sir Alexander Fleming was not only a biologist, but he was also a pharmacologist and a botanist in Scotland in the 1900s. During that time, he contributed to the major discovery of penicillin that still is making a lasting impact on many people in the world. Fleming’s education in the science field, consisted of attending many different schools during his younger ages. He did not start out at medical school right away, but instead attended Louden Moor School, Darvel School and Kimarnock Academy first (“Sir Alexander Fleming” 2014). He then moved to London when he was a teenager and still did not attend medical school right away. Instead Fleming worked for a shipping office in London for 4 years, where he later began his medical …show more content…

In recent years, research has been continuous to make medicine better for those who need it. In today’s world, there are about 100 different antibacterial products that are descendants of penicillin alone (Kardos and Demain 2011). Penicillin is still the one antibiotic now a days that is most effective and active in patients that need it and contains the least amount of toxins for the patients (Kardos and Demain 2011). However, there have been significant problems with bacteria becoming resistant to the medication. This has caused problems that the FDA is trying to fix. The FDA in the past couple of years has approved of more clinical trials for new studies of antibiotics to use (Woodcock 2014). There has also been a law passed in within the past 4 years that helped to increase the development of new antibiotics that could potentially be used to treat, antibacterial resistant strains of infectious diseases (Woodcock