How Did Billy Graham Impact On Church History

2874 Words12 Pages

Kate Sharp
James McClellan
Church History
3 May 2023
Billy Graham: An Impact on Church History William F. Graham Jr, or more famously known as Billy Graham, is nothing short of a legend in the world of evangelical Christianity. Graham’s relationship and impact on the Christian church is one that few preachers will ever rival. Growing up in a God-fearing family, Billy Graham had always been surrounded by faith, but it wasn’t until he was fifteen that he devoted his life to Christ. It was that moment that his personal relationship with God would carry him to places that he had never before dreamed of. Graham would go on to befriend and preach to twelve United States presidents, and even earn the honor of meeting Queen Elizabeth II (“Biography.”). …show more content…

As time went on, he went overseas to Europe to start up YFC branches in Great Britain. The goal of Youth for Christ was to reach out to young people and military personnel, as World War II had ended mere months ago. Graham and his group members spoke in Norway, Ireland, Sweden, Scotland, Wales and all across Europe in places including France, Denmark, Holland, and Belgium (Graham 165-171). This constant movement and type of evangelism had been what Billy Graham had been looking for. It was this style that Graham would reach millions and become famous …show more content…

Graham revolutionized the way that the Christian message was spread by utilizing the advancing technology at the time: radio and television. The radio and television were new opportunities that few preachers took advantage of at the time. Graham and his evangelical background saw a way to reach out and give the word of God to thousands of people. He also used print, and later on the internet, to spread the gospel and his story. Billy Graham had a newspaper column called My Answer, a magazine called Decision, and wrote over thirty books. Graham had multiple radio and many television programs throughout his life, but his most famous was the radio show: Hour of Decision. This weekly program ran for around sixty years and was broadcast around the world (“Billy