How Did Henry Ford Change The Economy

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Henry Ford was the man who changed how to get place to place with his inventions of the model T, and he changed how the model T was made by the movable assembly line. “Henry ford was the creator and inventor of the model T and the movable assembly line”( Henry Ford changed the way of getting around, he also made the price of the cars cheaper. Henry ford made these changes by the movable assembly line. Henry ford, played an extraordinary role in United States history, which brought about an dramatic change to the economy through the invention of the automobile.

“Henry ford was born on July 30th, 1863 and passed away on april 7,1947.” (Gelderman) “Ford at the age of 13 took apart a pocket watch his father gave to him and put it …show more content…

Ford made them like this so that every person could afford the model T and the people of the United States could get around when they needed to in there gas powered cars, also he made the model T better so it wouldn't have to get repaired as often so the person or people who owned one would have to come in and get it repaired as often, but “Henry ford did not invent the automobile or the assembly line but he did wed the two.”(Ed Crew) This means he made the two better because the model T was built for being put through everything, while the assembly became the movable assembly line and “it cut production two in a half hours instead of 12 hours.”( Ford was the main reason that the automobile changed forever, he made the automobile cheaper and more durable for all America to have but Ford would not have been able to accomplish this without the movable assembly line. Therefore the assembly line was a big part of the model T becoming the car of the …show more content…

“The model T was simple sturdy and relatively inexpensive but not to inexpensive enough for Ford.” ( Ford made these cars like this for the people of the United States , he wanted to make it better for the people and make them be happy with what he and his worker built. “Ford was determined to build “motor cars of great multitude.” ford would lower the prices of his cars so he built them more efficiently.” ( With Ford making the car less expensive he opened the door for thousands of people to buy his cars, The way Ford was able to do this is because of the movable assembly. The movable assembly line was the reason the model T and all the cars Ford made were built to last a lifetime, Ford made the assembly line an iconic invention, he made the cars better than what they were and helped the car become the car of the future. Therefore Ford made the assembly line a iconic invention and had American people happy with the invention of the assembly line and model