How Did Malcolm X Contribute To The Civil Rights Movement

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The Civil Rights Movement was a variety of activism that Wanted to secure all political and social rights for African Americans in 1946-1968. It had many different approaches from lawsuits, lobbying the federal government, massdirect action, and black power. The high point of the Civil Rights Movement was a march at Washington to get "Freedom and Jobs" for all in 1963. The ending and main point of this helped African Americans better their living conditions, which also helped the U.S. economy, not including discrimination, racism, and segregation. There were many activists Nho are more respected than others; they brought change because of their boycotts and struggles. Many of the well known activists are Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X,
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baptist minister and civil rights leader. He was also a noted orator he opposed discrimination against blacks. He did this by organizing nonviolent resistance and holding peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee but before that he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1964. Malcolm X renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage, and converted to Islam in jail in the 50s. He was Black Muslims most dynamic street recruiter, and based his beliefs on the black power movement. Jesse Jackson was an African American candidate for the Democratic ticket and campaigned for the "rainbow coalition" of minorities and the disadvantaged. Martin Luther and Malcolm X both significant in the civil rights movement, they spoke very well and shared a goal and had two ways of achieving said goal. Martin Luther decided to choose the non-violent way to make equality among the races to get to this goal. Malcolm X wanted to lower discrimination and end segregation using othel tactics to achieve the …show more content…

They all noticed that that group of people around them were rude and not only rude but judging for just their skin color, everyone there had made it clear that they didn't want any african americans in the little rock community. LIttle rock was right after they had seen what had happened with Rosa Parks and the beginning of King's career and realized how things can change. The first few steps Little rock nine came in May 1954 with court and Brown v the Topeka, Kansas board of education. Those nine kids had a hard time going to school. On the first day they had troops stand in the front to make sure everything was okay. Everyday at school there is a lot of harassment, and a lot of physical violence. One kid, Ernest Green, had graduated from central high school in 1958, he would have eventually been in a successful bank company and government service of the Carter administration but no. In 1958, integration was not complete, governor Faubus closed all public schools complying with desegregation. School would not be fully completed until