How Did Muhammad Spread Islam

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Maria Torres
Islam.. how muhammad spread islam???? Born in mecca in 570 AD muhammad is the founder of islam.according to text muhammad was the last in line for the long line of prophets that included, adam,abraham moses and jesus.Muhammad is a regular man who after receiving the word of god, or Allah, through the Angel Gabriel, turned into a prophet. These words were embedded to Muhammad’s memory and written than down by his followers. This became the holy book known as the Qur’an which was intended to bring back everyone to the one true god. muhamad was sucessfull in delivering gods message to humanity thru. his struggles, battles fought, was able to unite the people of Medina. The Quran is an important aspect of islam because it is filled with the words of the prophet thus the words of allah so when the quran was revealed it was in response to problems of humanity at large. The Quran is a form of guidance to the word and serves as a reminder of the teaching of prophets . When Muslims follow tthe way of the profet they believed they will be rewarded with paradise in the …show more content…

Before muhammad there were polytheistic Arabians, Christians, and Jews with their own set of beiefs so when mohamad arived his word was not recieved well. while most had a problem with muhammad, he felt his word was necessary because were the world was headed at the time. The battle of badr marked the first battle that muslums ingaged in with the Quraysh. This battle took place on the 17th of Ramadhaan. As stated Jews and Christians were not happy witht this new found religion and as he would imagen conflect might arise. this battle between muslum and quraysh was deemed to be so because of thire previous conflect were muslums things were taken by quraysh. when the prophet journed to medena here was a large jewish population so he “nigotiated a covenant” that would demand mutual respect and