
How Did Plessy Change American History

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Despite all of the racism and segregation our country is experiencing today; America has come a long way since the cases Plessy vs Ferguson and Brown vs Board of Education took place. These cases regulated the way America views segregation, we wouldn’t be where we are today without them. They’ve changed segregation laws, changed courts view points of amendments, and changed American history forever.

This revolution began with Plessy vs Ferguson. According to Cornell law school, the start of this case began in 1890. Louisiana passed a statue that was called the “Seperate Car Act”. Essentially, this means two races do not have the availability to sit in the same carriage of the vehicle. If this act was …show more content…

This case took place in Kansas during the 1950s after Plessy’s case was settled. Although the separate but equal act was enforced, schools were still segregated in America. Linda brown and her sister were elementary school students. To get to their bus in the morning, they had to walk through a highly dangerous railroad. Linda was forced to go to a dangerous all-black school that was far from her house rather than a nice white school that was close. Throughout Lindas education, she brought her parents to believe that the segregated schools are a violation to the 14th amendment. The family took their case to court and initially the court believed that segregated schools was harmful for black children, however they were justifying it by saying that since the separate schools had similar buildings, transportation etc. Segregation would continue to be legal in America. Linda and her family were still not satisfied with this result so they took their case to the Supreme Court. According to the Landmark cases, the Supreme Court states, “In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Brown. The Court found the practice of segregation unconstitutional and refused to apply its decision in Plessy v. Ferguson to “the field of public education.” Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote the opinion for the Court.” Linda and her family won their case and changed …show more content…

Since Linda and her family had a dream for the future of American history and education, our country is changed and will continue to learn about her case. Due to Linda Browns bravery, there precedent of this case was that state-sanctioned schools that are segregated is completely against the 14th amendment and is unconstitutional. In 1954 the Supreme Court had a unanimous vote in favor of brown and ever since then, American history is

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