How Does Rosa Parks Use Peaceful Resistance To Society

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I believe that peaceful resistance can positively impact a free society. In Rosa Parks and Civil Disobedience by Prerana Korpe, Rosa Parks was calm. She did not yell or fight with the bus driver who tried to make her give up her seat, she simply refused. She did not fight with the police who arrested her for not giving up her seat, she peacefully went with them, not fighting or causing a scene. Because of Rosa Parks arrest and appeal over 61 years ago, segregation in the bus system was brought down after a 381 day boycott of the buses. Rosa Parks is famously quoted for saying, “I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity – for all people.” Mrs. Parks wanted to help people become free from prejudice and segregation because she felt that everyone had the right to freedom and happiness. Rosa Parks may not have realized what she was starting that December day that she calmly refused to give up her seat to a white man, but because of her, bus segregation finally came to a close over a year later, resulting in a positive, peaceful impact on Montgomery society. …show more content…

I believe that what Edward Snowden did has positively impacted the country. He told the Guardian that the U.S. government has been, without warrants, monitoring tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of Americans, through phones and computers, even though these people have no link to terrorism. Of course by finding this out, there will be plenty of Americans who will be extremely upset by this news, but it is safe to say that after the initial anger wears off, they will be grateful to Edward Snowden for informing them of what the U.S. government has been doing without the common man’s knowledge. Thus making his sacrifice a positive impact on the American society through another peaceful