How Effective Is The Main Downfall To Client Side Scripting?

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Web server scripting

Task 1 and task 2

Scripts are a set of instructions for what you want to happen or be on a certain page. There are two types of scripting, client side and server side, when using client side scripting you are writing instructions to the web browser whereas if you are using server side scripting you are writing instructions to the server.

Client side scripting
Client side scripting is used on the system that the web browser is running on. The commonly known JavaScript is the main client side scripting language. Client side scripting works by requesting a web page from the server, the server will then find a page and send it to the user and then the page will be displayed on the browser with scripts running. Client side scripting therefore is used to change web pages after they arrive to the browser. Client side scripting is good because it can provide useful gadgets such as clocks and calculators. Mainly it is used for nice appearance and interaction. The main downfall to client side scripting is the computer you use it on, if your computer is really slow and has long response times, same goes with the scripting process.

Server side scripting …show more content…

The user will request a Web page from the server, the script in the page will then be interpreted by the server and then the final web page is sent to the user. Server side scripting tends to be popular because this allows users to have individual accounts that provide data that will apply to them. For example, on Amazon you can have a personal account that will recommend products based on your recent views or orders. Using server side scripting is a good scripting method because running all the scripts will put a lot of work and data onto the server but none on the users/clients

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