
Phi 210 Week 5 Web Programming Lessons

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Brief Summary of the lecture contents, lab activity, group discussion and reading materials

Week five, we continue learning key components of web programming, and this week we are going to be trained in two of the most sensitive and important practices on internet nowadays; online payments and security practices. We will be installing, configuring and operating eComerce applications, really important especially if you wan to be a good programmer and/or system administrator.
After reading the material provided and becoming familiar with the topics we had to use this model to create some server script. Part of the code was provided but we had to make sure that everything was allocated properly in the server.

As always I participated in the …show more content…

Some students have a little more experience on web programming than others so their suggestions really help when you get stuck on something just because you are not that familiar with it.

2) Describe your feelings and attitudes.
Every unit has its own challenges, but in a good way because I learn a little bit more about web programming and it gets a little more interesting which keeps me engaged to continue learning.

3) What surprised me or caused me to wonder?
It surprised me that a simple installation or the creation of a straightforward script sometimes involves a lot of thinking to make things work.

4) What happened that felt particularly challenging? Why was it challenging to me?
What has become challenging to me on the last couple weeks is making sure that all the installations and files are transfer or placed in the proper server directory. Sometimes the instructions can be a little confusing especially when you only use commands lines to perform every task.

5) What skills and knowledge do I recognize that I am gaining?
The more I learn about web programming the more I pay attention to details so now I know exactly what they mean when they say details really matter in

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