Growth Mindet Presentation Analysis

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What are two things you learned from the growth mindset presentation by Ms. Nelson? Why are they important? Going into the presentation, I already knew a little bit about grit, although this presentation further my understanding of how it can relate to the brain. Grit is passion and perseverance. One of the first things I learned, is that the brain is like a muscle, and in order for it to grow stronger, we have to challenge it.This information is significant in the classroom as well as outside the classroom because when faced with a challenge, like the paper tent activity or the mathemagic assignment in class, you should use some grit and not give up so easily.Another thing I learned, was whether I was dominant on my right or left brain. While on a daily basis we use our entire brain, we tend to be dominant on one side. When taking the right or left brain quiz, it was a pretty close for me considering, I had 11 questions for the right side and 12 questions for the left side. Knowing that I’m a mix of both, I can develop strategies have a growth mindset to help further my grit. What did you find most challenging about the …show more content…

This isn’t a typically math problem we would encounter in another math class, so finding out where to being was difficult but, once we got a start it went by pretty quickly after that.When beginning the process we first picked different numbers to start out with, close in value, to see if we could find any sort of pattern, and we did. After that it was we had to figure out what was going on that made the last 3 numbers the same every time. So I started the idea of coming up with an algebraic equation to help explain it. We were on the right track now, so the rest of it came pretty easily.Throughout the assignment, I demonstrated grit by taking in step-by-step and having the motivation to finish the problem until the end and getting past the most challenging part, the