
How Is Overusing Technology Affecting Children?

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Children today are not outside playing kick the can, riding their bikes to the neighbors or just using their imagination in general. Instead kids are playing games on Ipads, listening to music on a MP3 or IPOD, watching television and missing out on their childhood. What happened to just being a kid, well technology happened. Technology use by children is becoming an epidemic. Younger and younger children are using technology on a daily basis because it’s all they know and have been taught. Parents are the cause of children overusing technology today and it’s only going to affect the child’s social, mental and physical upbringing. Parents today are so busy with their own lives that they don’t see how their actions are affecting their children. …show more content…

Overusing technology is also a helping cause in child obesity. One component of the recent obesity epidemic is the sedentary behavior of children and adolescents use of video games consoles (Radon 2015). Instead of going outside to ride a bike, jump on a trampoline or playing ball, kids are on the couch inside not getting that crucial physically activity that they need. Sitting a young child in front of a television for hours also prevents that child from having hours of other developmental experiences. Children need real-time social interactions; technology such as television can prevent that from happening (Perry 1999). Television is only part of the issue; children are also spending too much time on tablets and phones. Children are encouraged by their parents to play games at all hours of the day because it keeps them entertained. A young child does not know any better than what there parent has taught …show more content…

The use of cellphones and having access to the Internet or social media creates an open line for cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can affect children both mentally and socially. Technology like cell phones and using social media are now one of the leading uses for bullying. Today children have cell phones with internet access as young as age eleven and some have cell phones as young as age eight making them all vulnerable to cyber bullying (Russom 2015). Children send hatful texts, pictures and post things to the Internet for everyone to see; this causes the reciprocating children to be emotionally and mentally broken. Social issues at school and within friends can also become affected if everyone around them is bullying a particular child they feel the need to fit in and bully as

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