How To Drive Throughs Should Be Banned Essay

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Banning Drive Throughs for Better Life on Earth
Your mom gets a meal block, something common among stay-at-home parents who spend most of their time cooking. So, what happens? Well, you just get fast food. But, the problem is whether or not you should go through a drive through? The answer is to go inside the fast food restaurant to get your food. Although drive throughs are convenient, they are a waste of gas and money, and they cause harmful pollution, which is why drive throughs should be banned.
Going to drive throughs can waste gas and money, that you may not have. Rhett Allain does the math needed, then comes to the conclusion that, "The total amount of fuel wasted in drive through would be: 400,000 gallons." Americans on average use 384.74 million gallons of gas a day. 400,000 gallons of that is used on drive throughs while idling. That leaves only a little bit of gas to use on other things. "The way (Robert) Davis figures it, drivers waste $103,000 or more in gas a year waiting in line for food at just those three restaurants." $103,000 dollars are wasted to supply gas needed to go through drive throughs for what? A hamburger and a medium sized soda? A lot of trees (which people need to be able to breath) are demolished for money. …show more content…

"A significant number of byproducts of burning fossil may be produced during the day." Burning fossil fuel has carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, that contributes a lot to global warming. "Exhaust contains many pollutions that are linked to asthma, other lung diseases, allergies, cancer, and other health problems." When you are in a drive through you idle anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. Idling for that long can cause serious health problems that you could have otherwise avoided if you would've just gone inside to eat. Pollution is bad for our environment, and by banning drive throughs Americans can end pollution and make a better

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