How To Write A Thank You Speech For Middle School

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Welcome everyone to a very important night, a night that marks the beginning of a whole new chapter in our lives. I’m honestly very proud of each and every one of you for making it. But obviously, we couldn’t have done it without the support of our wonderful parents and teachers. They sacrificed so much for us, and they provided us with a bunch of love and support. Without them we wouldn’t be where we are today, and I think I can safely assume we’re all very grateful for them. Middle school has been a great experience. There was the ups, like getting a good score on a test, or doing great at an activity you’re involved in. And there was the downs, like getting in a fight with your friend, or remembering there was a test today and you hadn't studied at all. We all grew from these experiences though, and as many teachers say, we learned from our mistakes. These past few years have flown by, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less memorable. Especially the memories with the great people I’ve met. …show more content…

They stuck by me no matter what, and they helped me out when I need help the most. Granted, there are times when I’d really just like to strangle them. There was one day at lunch that I doubt I’ll ever forget. My friend had a go gurt and thought it would be a great idea to hit me over the head with it. The go gurt exploded all over me, it was in my hair, on my clothes, and all over the lunch table. Although I was mad then, I look back on that memory fondly now. It was one of the funniest moments I’ve had with my best friends, so now I cherish it. I’m grateful for them and hope to keep them as friends for a long time. Honestly without my friends and teachers, I don’t know if I would have been able to make it through middle