Human Trafficking In The United States

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Every year, millions of people are trafficked in countries around the world, including the United States. Most of this people are immigrants from developing communities, who are transported to developed communities that are more prosperous. Traffickers use immigrant’s workers unfamiliarity with the language, laws and customs as an advantage to manipulate or exploit them in their new environment . Traffickers sells them into involuntary servitude, where immigrants are force to work against their will in harsh working conditions. Labor trafficking has become an important issue to the U.S. presidencial race because illegal immigration has result in an increase of involuntary servitude in the United States. Also labor trafficking violates the …show more content…

Department of States an estimated 20.9 million men, women and children are trafficked for commercial sex or forced labor around the world. Even thought the United States provides programs to help victims of human trafficking, the victims are not familiar with these programs. It often takes them about a year or more to receive help because they are uneducated. The United States has the goal to achieve global awareness of human trafficking, but it is a difficult task. For example countries like Algeria denied sex trafficking despite evidence. As a result, no effort is made to investigate, prosecute, or convict perpetrators of sex trafficking. In Algeria human trafficking are subjected to force labor and sex trafficking. Typically, sub-Saharan African men and women immigrate to Algeria voluntarily but illegally with the help of smugglers. Some of these women and men go to Algeria thinking that smuggler would help them travel to Europe. In contrast, these women may be force into prostitution, domestic service, and begging. Just like in the United States Immigrants are the most vulnerable to sex trafficking or labor trafficking in Algeria because of the language …show more content…

It occurs for three reasons prostitution, forced labor, and human organs. The majority of the victims of human trafficking are immigrants because traffickers use immigrant’s workers unfamiliarity with the language, laws and customs to manipulate them. From Algeria to New York City we can see similarities in the way involuntary servitude works. If we come together we can decrease human trafficking, and spread awareness about anti-trafficking programs that would help the world. Its our duty as citizens to acknowledge the problems that are affecting our society. So its very important to understand the stand of every presidencial candidate, in order to know how they might provide a solution or relieve to this issue