IPTS 3E Essay

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IPTS 4I: creates a safe and healthy environment that maximizes student learning. IPTS 3E: understands the appropriate role of technology, including assistive technology, to address student needs, as well as how to incorporate contemporary tools and resources to maximize student learning; IPTS 3C: understands cultural, linguistic, cognitive, physical, and social and emotional differences, and considers the needs of each student when planning Instruction. Performance Activity 55: Observe and record how the teacher calls on most or all students. If not observed, what kind of a difference would occur in the classroom if most or all students were called on? Ms. Boerema calls on all of her students. She calls on the student raising their hands first and then she will call on the other students. By calling on all of the students, it ensures Ms. Boerema students are engaged in the lesson and to informally assesses students. IPTS 4I relates to performance activity fifty-five by how Ms. Boerema creates a safe …show more content…

For example, if Ms Boerema did not call on Rocco, Rocco would probably not share his thoughts and answers to his peers and teacher, but Ms. Boerema calls on Rocco to have him express what he is thinking and informally assesses what he knows and doesn’t know in the lesson. One of Rocco’s IEP goals involves pragmatics, or speaking with others, which by calling on this student, it allows Rocco to speak to others and reinforces the idea of expressing his thoughts and answers with others. Calling on students affect their belonginess in the classroom. As one of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, belongingness, if a student does not feel important or doesn’t feel a part of the classroom, the student will not be focused to learn content material, but rather focus on the negative effects of feeling neglected and not

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