Lack Of Diversity In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley uses Bernard Marx, Helmholtz Watson, and John’s varying interpretations of freedom to enhance the lack of diversity in the World State society with both actions and beliefs. In Brave New World, the World State society was formed on the idea of “Community, Identity, Stability.” It was used to perpetuate ideas of freedom, and more often lack thereof. Bernard Marx struggles in Brave New World, and as a result continued perpetuating the lack of diversity in the World State. Bernard does not disapprove of the World State society, he wants to fit into it. He is both short and an introvert, which doesn’t fit his Alpha-Plus society. Bernard said “... Remember, they’ve had at least a quarter of a million warning against solitude,” (182). Even though it isn’t seen as a positive activity in the society, Bernard still enjoys being alone. Throughout the book, Brave New World, Bernard continues to be a contrasting character to most of the other characters in the book, especially Helmholtz Watson. Bernard is portrayed and received as different and an outcast in the World State in the New World due to his …show more content…

Bernard Marx is a primary example of enhancing the lack of diversity in the World State society. Bernard is not only short and struggles with confidence, but he is also an introvert. “... Bernard’s physique was hardly better than that of the average Gamma. He stood eight centimetres short of the standard Apha height and was slender in proportion. Contact with members of the lower castes always reminded him painfully of this physical inadequacy” (64). Bernard shows dissatisfaction with his intellectual superiority. Bernard believes his insufficient physical traits threaten his place of power. He continues to add to the lack of diversity in Brave New World by not only trying to hide the introverted side to himself, but he tries to overcompensate for his height with his