Influence Tactics: Rational Persuasion And Ingratiation

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Influence tactics are strategies used by conveying one’s behavior or attitude to influence or impact someone else’s (the target). There are ten influence tactics that were covered in class, and the two that were chosen for this experiment are Rational Persuasion and Ingratiation. Rational Persuasion is the use of logical evidence, facts, and rational arguments to persuade the target to conforming to whatever behavior or attitudes desired. This tactic is known to be most effective when used with high frequently. An example of this tactic would be presenting information on a new work model to a boss or executive and showing how effective it can be by the use of statistical data and information. Ingratiation is an influence tactic known for using …show more content…

I came in contact with the proper officials at the department of athletics and we began discussing all the details. I began by introducing myself and the organization. I explained all of the great accomplishments we have had in the past because of the support from all of our contributors. I then proceeded to share how our involvement has positively impacted all events we have been a part of in recent history, including engineering day and engineering week in the Riverfront Museum last year, as they had one of their highest attendances. I then proceeded to talk about how because of this, it could potentially also increase attendance at the sporting events such as women’s basketball, or the upcoming indoor tennis tourney. I brought in some of my expert knowledge when explaining about the impact we bring to these events as previously aforementioned. To an extent one could argue that the reward tactic was used in collaboration with the rational persuasion influence tactic because of the offering to increase attendance for them. The experiment Overall went rather successful as the target was very committed and extremely motivated to work on the proposed …show more content…

As silly, or simple, this may sound I was able to successfully use ingratiation as well as a little bit of personal appeal and inspirational appeal. The target has been a friend for quite some time and we have had times where we have gone out, however it was always in a group setting. The best way to describe the relationship is similar to that of Jim and Pam in the first few seasons of the office. I initiated the process by texting her about her day, and how she’s been lately since we haven’t really seen eachother in a while. After briefly catching up, we then proceeded to play a game of “FriendO” to see how well we knew each other. FriendO is a question asking app that allows you to connect to your facebook friends and see how well you think you know your friend. To no one’s surprise we were pretty much neck and neck, answering nearly every question correctly. After our match of FriendO (where I unfortunately lost), we then talked about how well we actually knew each other and how comical it was that our match was a tie nearly in its entirety. From there, I then decided to proceed with the ingratiation tactic. I praised her on a game well won, and proceeded to compliment her memory and intelligence, and eventually decided to ask her if she wanted to be my valentines day date. At first she declined claiming that she wasn’t sure if it’d be the right thing to do, and that she didn’t