Innovation White Paper

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Innovation White Paper: Blogging

History of Blogging:

Cycle of Blogging
The cycle of blogging figure exemplifies the relationship between public relations, journalism, communications and blogging. The field of public relations intertwines with journalism and communications, which eventually led to the innovation of blogging. The innovation of blogging was developed to serve individuals who may be better at writing than speaking or may be more comfortable explaining their feelings behind a computer screen.

According to Schmidt (2007), blogs are websites where individuals can upload content—text, pictures, etc. The information is in reverse chronological order and can be edited after posted. Comments are also allowed on various blog posts …show more content…

Journalists are given the freedom to provide information that is more open, intelligent and honest (Lowrey, 2006, p.478). Blogging has become an occupation for many, there are opportunities through fashion, entertainment and politics (Lowrey,2006, p.479). These occupations are constantly developing and changing in most cases (Lowrey, 2006, p.479).

Blogs are a product of the World Wide Web ((Rettberg, 2008, p. 6). The World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners- Lee at the end of 1990. (Rettberg, 2008, p. 6). Blogging was created to give individuals the freedom to publish online without having to think about the repercussions (Rettberg, 2008, p. 13). It is a way to deliver news to the primary, secondary and tertiary audience (Rettberg, 2008, p. 13).

Current State of Blogging:

The …show more content…

Blogging is a simple task that can easily be created by the use of a blog website or it can be made from scratch (Lovink, 2008,p.x). Blogs are solely based on a topic that the author is passionate about, it allows the authors to control what is published in the media (Lovink, 2008, p.2). After creating a blog, it is easy to create posts, but eventually the next part is to promote the blog and gain a solid amount of followers (Lovink, 2008, p.2). After gaining followers, being consistent is the key to having a successful blog (Lovink, 2008,