Instructional Strategies Analysis

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Instructional strategies are strategies used in the classroom, or any educational location, to improve learning. The first section of this paper identifies strategies that the author of this paper effectively incorporated into the classroom over the past 30 years. Many of the strategies in this section may appear similar to popular strategies; however, they were original, natural thoughts and strategies of the author throughout that time period, not strategies obtained from any published source. The second and third section of this paper contains strategies obtained from published sources. The specific sources are identified at the beginning of each section.
Section One Strategies 1-11 are strategies that the author of this paper incorporated, …show more content…

Equally, many distractions decrease learning. Having windows in the room illuminates "life" and awareness of the world outside. However, windows also provide major distractions. Having the classroom set up with windows to the side or back of the room rather than in the front improves student learning by keeping the student focus in the room, instead of outside the room. Additionally, a teacher 's desk at the back or side of the room re-enforces respect of learning because the teacher must remain standing, near the student, to communicate effectively with the student. The closer the teacher is to the student, the more respect of student reflected. These are two simple examples of how classroom layout improves …show more content…

A website also removes the excuse factor--"I didn 't know there was homework," "I forgot to write the homework down," or "What homework?" Having a website improves learning by putting the onus of responsibility for homework on the student. It improves and empowers learning by allowing the parents to partner with the teacher while remaining at home by being aware of classroom procedures, homework, etc.
6) Classroom Essential Agreements
Essential agreements are agreements supplied either by the school, created by the teacher or collaborated by the class, for the class, to describe levels of respect within the classroom. Posting classroom essential agreements puts ownership for respect in the hands of all individuals in the room. Respecting each other in the learning environment improves learning by allowing freedom to learn without fear of retaliation or embarrassment. It encourages small group work and empowers success in large group work collaboration.
7) Consistent Homework