Mindfulness Based Intervention Case Study

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We found that there was significant improvement in visual reaction time (p = 0.01; 32.89%), depression (p = 0.04; -41.51 %) and anxiety (p = 0.02; -32.09%) scores at the end of 3 weeks as compared to the baseline. Auditory reaction time showed reduction with borderline statistical significance (p = 0.058; -25.6%; ) please see Table 5.
Previously, in a randomised controlled trial, 150 MS paitients were randomly divided into two groups : 1) Mindfulness based intervention and 2) Usual care. Intervention was given for eight weeks period and follow up was done after 6 months. Depression was measured with the center for epidemiologic studies depression scale (CES-D) and Anxiety with spielberger trait anxiety inventory pre and post intervention. It was found that depression, fatigue, and anxiety (P = .002) reduced significantly in mindfulness intervention group as compared to usual care and benefit continued upto 6 months. In another study, thirty-one MS patients, all female with mean of age of 36.75 years and Expanded Disability Status Scale …show more content…

It was an open arm pre post study on eleven in-patients admitted to KWA Klinik, Stift Rottal hospital for Neurological rehabilitation, Bad Griesbach, Bavaria, Germany. Eleven patients who consented, were selected for the yoga therapy if they satisfied these selection criteria. The intervention consisted of 21 days in-patient Integrated Multimodal Therapy program comprising of Yogic sukshm avyayamas (Loosening and strengthening practices), Relaxation techniques, Kaphalabhati Kriya (cleansing technique), bandha (Locks), pranayama (Specific breathing practices) and yogic counselling designed for NBD. The included patients practiced 1 hour of yoga per day. Along with Physical Therapiese.The data were recorded at baseline after 21

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