Intelligent Design Theory Essay

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Young Earth, a harsh and uninhabitable planet, was in vast contrast to our current diverse lush planet. The quest to solve the thee plus billion-year-old mystery into the origins of life is still ongoing. Origin theories for hundreds of years wove tales of Gods molding and shaping our world but as science has advanced new theories have emerged. The notion of evolution and natural selection, intelligent design and even life from space form our current ideas about the sequence of events through which life may have originated on Earth.
After observing birds on the Galapagos Islands Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution and natural selection. Darwin proposed that life began in a pool of water and slowly migrated onto land. Darwin hypothesized …show more content…

“The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection. Through the study and analysis of a system's components, a design theorist is able to determine whether various natural structures are the product of chance, natural law, intelligent design, or some combination thereof.” (Discovery Institute Center for Science and Culture, n.d) While the overall timeline of life on Earth is largely undisputed many of the ideas within the intelligent design theory hinge on the exceedingly complex nature of cells. As the theory of evolution has never fully accounted for complex development of cells intelligent design stakes claim that an intelligent force must have been involved in formation of beginning cells. The intelligent design community attempts to use the very science that many feel authenticates the theory of evolution to encourage the ideas within intelligent design. A lack of sequential fossil records demonstrating evolution and the knowledge that many genetic mutation cause incompatibilities with life are examples cited. While the early intelligent design community struggled to separate public image from one routed in Creationism continued research has advanced their position within the scientific