Reflecting on my journey through interprofessional education and collaborative practice during my Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs), I can confidently say that I have experienced significant growth in all four domains outlined in the accreditation requirement: roles & responsibilities, teamwork, patient and team communication, and ethics & values. Firstly, in terms of roles and responsibilities, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of the various roles within a healthcare team and how they intersect with pharmacy practice. Through experiences such as participating in patient rounds with physicians, collaborating with nurses to ensure safe medication administration, and consulting with other healthcare professionals to optimize patient care plans, I have learned to navigate and …show more content…
One memorable experience involved participating in a discharge planning meeting for a complex patient with multiple comorbidities. By collaborating with the interprofessional team, we were able to develop a comprehensive care plan that addressed the patient's medical, social, and emotional needs, ultimately facilitating a smooth transition to the community setting. Effective communication, both with patients and within the team, is another area of significant development. I have honed my communication skills through interactions with patients during medication counseling sessions, as well as through interprofessional team meetings and case presentations. For example, during a rotation in a primary care clinic, I collaborated with a team of healthcare providers to manage a patient with poorly controlled diabetes. By actively listening to the patient's concerns and effectively communicating treatment options, we were able to develop a personalized care plan that empowered the patient to take control of their