Interview Summary Tools

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Interview summary tools of the mind teacher. The teacher I interview he got involved with this approach because it is what's used by the organization he works at. As he learned about the curriculum, he grew to really like its approach, especially because it’s based on the teachings of a child psychologist who he really like, (lev Vygotsky). This approach use children of all abilities, including those with special needs, this program combine excellent teaching with cultural sensitivity to foster healthy development and build school readiness. The children and families don’t know about the curriculum use because it is relatively new. Also, families who are involved must income- qualities, since the classrooms are government funded for low- income …show more content…

Tools of the mind approach doesn't only focus on the child learning academy socially, however it focus the whole child; all domains of development and learning, physical, social, and emotional, and cognitive, which really promotes the long-term development and success of children. Children are developing in all the domains by learning, engaging, and exploring in the classroom. The other most important Principles of child development that tools of the mind focus are that, play helps develop self-regulation, language, cognition, and their social competence. Acquire knowledge and experiential learning and growth friendship, make believe play activities have focused on the relationship of play to specific cognitive strategies such as self-regulation, narrative recall, divergent problem solving, and rule understanding. Children choose their play center and decide what they are going to play. Before the child go in he or she needs to plan head the center they are going to play for 45 minutes, In Play Planning, children plan their play before playing in centers, as children plan their play, they draw a picture of their plan that helps them remember what they are going to do. Play Plan typically describes the role and actions a child will engage in during the first few minutes of intentional make-believe play. Play Planning is a great activities child to develop foundational executive functions and self-regulation skills, at the same time as core academic skills are developed. They organize and create pretend scenarios on their own; they make their own props and decided what they want to with, teachers help them to remind each their role they picked earlier. Children play with other children and talk about what they’re going to play together, by saying I am going to be the mom and I will be feeding my baby, and she will role play to the mother of the house until it’s time to clean up. on the other, Teachers actively help