Is Junk Food Good Or Bad For America?

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Why is junk food bad for us? Fifty one percent of people who eat junk food are likely to develop depression or become obese. The term obesity is used to describe the health condition of anyone significantly above his or her ideal body weight. Becoming obese can make you have a more likely chance to have diabetes, high blood pressure. You could also have a stroke, heart attack, or arthritis. “healthy living” Hamburgers, doughnuts and croissants are reporting a physician diagnosis of depression or the use of antidepressant. “fast food linked problem”. Seventy percent of Americans adults are either overweight or obese. Since 1970 the amount of fast food restaurants have doubled. There has been over 67 million Mcdonald's built since 1970. Americans …show more content…

The average body weight tends toward plump rather than svelte. (“Diet Features”). The average american is 23 pounds heavier than his or her ideal body weight. Children and adults are overweight and are starting to perceive himself as a new normal said Robert F. Kushner. Overweight people may dismiss their weight he said “everyone looks and feels the same way”. (“”)

Do you agree? Eating fast food can make you obese. Junk food isn't the leading cause in obesity. We should stop eating junk food or when we eat junk food we need to exercise . We need to go exercise because if you don't go exercise all the food you just ate turns into fat. Having two thirds of the earth being obese is sad! It seems like its ok to have the earth obese. People don't care what they look like or how fat they look. The reason why they don't care is because there are so many people that are obese. To be considered obese you have to at least have the body mass index (BMI) of thirty or higher. Almost thirteen milion of the United States ages two to nineteen are obese. Everyone needs a goal and positive reasons to achieve that goal. The body mass index is a statistical measurement derived from your height and weight. Although, it does not measure the percentage of body