Isfj Personality Examples

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Have you ever taken a personality test online before? Its’ okay to admit it, they are kind of irresistible. Even companies are beginning to give personality tests as part of the interview process, to find the right fit. You answer a bunch of questions, in the end you end up you end up with a combination of four letters that define you. I for introvert or E for extravert; N for intuition or S for sensing; F for feeling or T for thinking; and P for perceiving or J for judging. Examples of the combination includes: an ISFJ is a defender, who is very dedicated and protector; ENFJ is charismatic and mesmerizing leader; ENTJ is a bold, strong-willed leader who always gets the job done. We get our four -letter combo, and feel warm and fuzzy inside, …show more content…

There are three types of clusters. Cluster A are individuals who appear odd or peculiar it includes: (1) paranoid in which individuals display distrust and suspiciousness beliefs; (2) schizoid often seem cold, are detached from others, and often absorbed with own thoughts or feelings; and (3) schizotypal in which they have eccentricities of thought, perception, and behavior. Cluster B individuals who appear dramatic and emotional it includes: (1) antisocial individuals who have no regard for others or rules; (2) borderline is marked by extreme mood changes, unstable and intense relationships, viewing the world in extremes such as all good or all bad; (3) histrionic emotions are labile, with excessive attention seeking behavior, and often sexually provocative; and (4) narcissistic individuals exaggerate own talents while exploiting others. Cluster C individuals are anxious and fearful it includes: (1) avoidant individuals who are extremely shy, they desire relationships but are paralyzed by fear of rejection; (2) dependent individuals have an excessive need to be taken care of resulting in submissive and clinging behavior; and (3) obsessive-compulsive individuals are preoccupied with perfection and control. Types: A. Cluster A – (odd or eccentric) 1. paranoid- suspicious 2. schizoid – restricted emotional range, indifferent,