Jack Solomon Masters Of Desire Summary

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Pop culture in today's day have revealed a semiotic truth to how we have come to be as a society in this world. Upon further observations with the help of the applied method Jack Solomon detailed to us in his Masters of Desire:The Culture of American Advertising article, we can thoroughly conclude that America is a nation of fantasizers. By using semiotic signs, analyzes and critiques of certain things like music videos have become significantly more protruded in a sense. Stories between the cinematography and lyrics extend to individuals around the world to bring them all together and exploit the groups fantasies and desires, as well as reveal an absentminded reality. In short, the semiotic signs Jack Solomon described to us go hand in hand with signs that revolve around the world of music, …show more content…

The social, emotional and realistic aspects we see in music videos correlate to Solomon's idea that the “logic of advertising is entirely semiotic: It substitutes signs for things, framed visions of consumer desire for the thing itself”
One of the biggest advertised mentalities this generation specifically has is the aspect of love. It has become evident that a piece of our structured society is mainly based on emotions and reflections of how each and every one of us feels. Jack Solomon plays with this detail by explaining, “America’s consumer economy runs on desire, and advertising stokes the engines by transforming common objects- from peanut butter to political candidates- into signs of all the things than Americans covet most.” Take the infamous John Legend for example, more exclusively, let's take the music video to his song “All of Me”. His music videos consists of he and his wife in a beautiful luxury house, and if we weren't jealous enough, they are also showing the deep and intoxicating love they