Japan Vs Australian Culture Essay

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After the thorough study and analyzation of the subject in two selected countries, a conclu-sion can be developed and brought for observation. It is clear that cultures in Japan and Australia are very different, and that they directly affect the student life of university stu-dents, in both positive and somewhat negative way. The fact is so strong, that even influ-ence of rapid globalisation has not yet changed it.
In Japan, students tend to make their studies as easy as possible and make their student life a period of leisure and relaxation after the hard period of school studies. Unfortunately, norms of collectivism, supported by Japanese culture, prevent most of the students from performing and individual approach in their studies, that could facilitate learning process. Cultural norms do not let them express personal opinion openly or ask question without being potentially ashamed. However, the bonds they create with their peers help really a lot in their future professional and business career, as well as turn their student life into a won-derful experience, when besides of acquiring a university degree, a person makes new friends and spends it in the joyful way. …show more content…

People here are not deterred to ask question and care more about personal gain, than group’s one. This allows to study at own individual pace and way, and can also result in good experience. Studies here are not time for relaxation, but of reflective workload at learning. However, joy is not expelled from Aus-tralian students, just like in Japan they hang out and make friends, yet they do it with con-sideration of allocation of time for learning (at personal grade of course). Moreover, Austral-ian universities are devoted for local community support and they cultivate this in their stu-dents too. Overall, Australian universities can provide a wonderful opportunity to get a good education and develop as person, who will care about his or her