Jason Gindele Leadership Style Analysis

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Leadership style of Jason Gindele. A leader is responsible for setting the tone and vision of the organization, as well as the spokesperson for the agency (Benton, 2018a). Gindele is the spokesperson for the agency which demonstrates the responsibility of his leader. Gindele believes that the best kind of leader is one that can make the agency run smoothly. According to him, this would mean having the ability to facilitate tasks to staff appropriately, and not micro managing staff (J. Gindele, personal communication, April 9, 2018). Leadership is the ability to influence and inspire followers to achieve the goals of the organization (Benton, 2018a). Gindele spoke a lot about how he likes to stay involved with the agency and work directly with …show more content…

Communication can create distortion in which the meaning of a message the sender intends is misinterpreted differently to the receiver of the message (Denhardt et al., 2016). Sources of conflict can vary such as information deficiencies, and role incompatibility (Benton, 2018c). It is important to establish an understanding about the expectations that administration is seeking. Effective communication aims at transmitting information accurately and in such a way that the receiver will understand, accept, and use that information (Denhardt et al., 2016). Therefore, one of the questions asked to interviewees was, how do employees know what is expected of them. Establishing expectations is important because it can allow less stress on staff whether they are doing what is required of them. For teachers, their expectations are outlined in the job description when hired. This allows teachers to understand what is expected of them with their job title. Another way to ensure staff are informed about the expectations, is that all new teachers are required to shadow other teachers to learn how the day will operate. Before a new teacher starts, the educational director will have a sit down with the new hire and go over the employee handbook, as well as the job description of the position they were hired for. Again, this ensures staff members know that is expected of them as a member of the organization. A new implementation that the educational director is currently doing is scheduling check-ins with all teachers to determine if they are following expectations, as well as checking in to see if they are needing any extra support to help them. This new implementation is a good idea to ensure that staff are continuing to uphold