Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper

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Eat Your Heart Out Like Jeffrey Dahmer “ ‘He had a little graveyard with animals buried in it. There were skulls placed on top of little crosses. He had quite a collection of skeletons,’ said Eric Tyson, 28, a former neighbor (Dvorchak).” Jeffrey Dahmer had murdered 17 men in just 14 years. Not only had Jeffrey Dahmer murdered his victims, but he would save their body parts as trophies and even consume some. Jeffrey Dahmer had once been a happy child, but he had many situations that had greatly affected him and then he became a killer and an alcoholic, he was tried for all of his murders, convicted, and then murdered by one of the prison inmates. Jeffrey Dahmer had begun to have problems early on in his life. Jeffrey was born at Evangelical …show more content…

Most people develop alcoholism because they have social or psychological stress. “Alcoholism, as opposed to merely drinking, has been variously thought of as a symptom of psychological or social stress or as a learned maladaptive coping behavior (World Book Inc.).” It is believed that Dahmer fits all three of those symptoms. Jeffrey Dahmer would even go to school drunk and he would drink at school. Dahmer has an eyewitness that has seen him drinking at school. ‘In Seventh grade, classmate Chip Crofoot noticed Dahmer sipping gin from his locker and coming to school drunk. “I don’t remember much about him other than his drinking. He pretty much kept to himself all the time,’ Crofoot said (Dvorchak).” Dahmer had been drinking for a long time, but his drinking problem got very serious just around the time he killed Steven Hicks. Jeffrey Dahmer attended Ohio State University in the January of 1979. While he was attending Ohio State University he had sold his blood so he would have money to buy alcohol. Dahmer’s drinking problem continued to get worse and he dropped out of college. He then enlisted in the army, but was later discharged for alcoholism. He became well known in the army for his heavy drinking. Dahmer’s drinking problems just persisted and continued to get worse. Not only did Jeffrey have a drinking problem, but he was a necrophiliac …show more content…

Necrophilia is also called necromania or necrophilism. The necrophilia criteria goes from fantasies, to murder for the sexual activity with the corpse. The stimulation can be fantasized or actual physical experience with the corpse. Necrophilia goes way back to the Egyptians. The Egyptians would wait three or four days to give embalmers the women’s bodies because of necrophilia. Pseudonecrophilia is an isolated incident in which sexual contact happens with a corpse, but there was no preexisting necrophilia thoughts or fantasies. Most necrophiliacs are men between the ages of 20-50 and most with occupations that provide some access to corpses. Some treatments for necrophilia include cognitive therapy, sex-drive reducing medications, and some improvement in social and sexual relations. Necrophiliacs who have personality or mental disorders tend to engage in more inappropriate activities such as mutilating the corpse after performing sexual activity. About 42% of necrophiliacs have murdered so they could have a corpse. Jeffrey Dahmer would fall into that 42% of necrophiliacs. Dahmer would also mutilate his bodies when he was finished with them, but that all stopped when he was arrested for the final

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