Jeffrey Dahmer Research Papers

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Jeffrey Dahmer Born the 21st of May, in the year 1960, Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was a serial killer, nortorious for the murders of mainly African American males. Jeffrey’s childhood wasn’t great, and to some it was believed it influenced his adult life. His family moved to Ohio when Jeffery was six years old. Jeffery claimed that one of his neighbors molested him when he was just eight years old. Not to long after their move to Ohio, Jeffery’s parents got a divorce. By the age of eight, Jeffery had a surgery on his double hernia that went wrong, and according to www.crimemuseum,com , his parents stated that ever since the surgery, Jeffery was “never the same” at age ten, Jeffery started examining with dead animals or roadkill, he would soak the …show more content…

Not long after Jeffery graduated, he commited his first murder. His first murder was a hitch hiker by the name of Steven Hicks. Jeffery took Hicks to his place promising him some drinks, and when hicks tried to leave, Jeffery smashed his head with a barbell. Reality set in temporarily fro Jeffery, the fact that he just murdered someone. Jeffery tried to attend college for a short period of time but never finished due to the alcoholism. After his failed attempt at college Jeffery enlisted into the military who later discharged him after two years of service in Germany. In 1982 he moved into his grandmothers house in Wisconsin. He tried to work at various jobs but could never hold one down. His next murder was Steven Tuami, after him Jeffery murdered James Doxetor in 1988, then Richard Q, also in 1988. His late night “exsperiments” were getting to be too much for his grandmother and she asked him to leave. Jeffery found an apartment not to long after he was kicked out of his grandmothers and his murders …show more content…

He would then continue to dismember their bodies and soak their bones in a acid solution. He would pose the corpses in “sexually pleasing” position and take poloroids of them which he kept in his night stand drawer. He then dumped the remains in gallons of acid. One of his victims almost escaped a horrific death. Keneath Sinthashone was a younger brother of one of Jeffery’s first victims. He was 14 years old, he went missing on May 16th 1991 and was found the following day, without no clothes and drugged, he was bleeding by wounds inflicted by Dahmer. When the neighbors notified the police, who questioned Dahmer, he told them that Koneath was running around drugged in the streets and took him in his apartment to help him, because the kid was drugged and couldn’t speak, he got away without charges and they never took the kid out of Dahmers watch, the kid, later got murdered by Jeffery

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