Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper

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Jeffrey Dahmer and the Evil Inside
When people are asked to explain what the term “evil” means to them, one usually responds to something monstrous, psychotic and morbid. Referring to those descriptions of an evil act/person, Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer seemed to fit the criteria and much more. “Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin” (Biography 1), Jeffrey Dahmer was a man of numerous evil acts. Starting from as little as a short arrest to a mass murder along with cannibalism. This man was one of the major evil moments in life.
As a child, Jeffrey was a pretty decent kid. One of the main sparks in his morbid acts were the blooming of his violent thoughts. He was a scared child and did not want to tell anyone what he would feel so instead he decided to keep it bottled up inside. As the time passed by, Dahmer graduated high school and started …show more content…

At this point in his life, he basically had no one left to really care about and no more routes to take except for the one he took. Settling into his new home, Dahmer was starting to grow his violent ideas until he realized that he couldn't just think of them anymore. He had to do something about it. In 1978, “Dahmer committed his first murder in Bath Township, Ohio… a second murder followed in 1987… within the next five years of killing … another 15 boys and young men, who were for the most part poor, African American, Asian or Latino [were killed].” This event in his life shows evil because it explained how one murder triggered him to go on a killing spree. The worst part about these evil acts was the conserving of a human body part so he could eat them later. Cannibalism is a morbid choice of food and Dahmer saw no evil or guilt in any of this. Since a majority of the victims were poor, people wouldn’t notice the dilemma that would happen throughout the

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