
Jeffrey Dahmer: Serial Killer

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The distinct taking of sides over Dahmer is concerning, but his views of himself are just as twisted. As a child, Jeffrey didn’t know how to befriend other children, and couldn’t grasp the “subtleties of social life” (Strubel). This disconnection, which continued past his high school years, may have guided Dahmer to conceived his violent, taboo sexual fantasies (Strubel). Dahmer, who appeared to be repulsed by his own imagination, said, “I wanted to find out just what made me feel so bad and evil” (“Jeffrey Dahmer Biography”). He couldn’t form regular relationships with other adults, and he acknowledged that his fantasies were atrocious. Nonetheless, he craved the feeling of being with another man. Steven Hicks, along with 15 of Dahmer’s other victims, were killed by Dahmer so that they would be unable to leave or protest anything done to them (“Jeffrey Dahmer Biography”). In a interview with Dateline, Dahmer said “I just wanted to have the person under my complete control” (Chin). While confessing in court, he stated, “[The murders] hurt the victim, and it’s hurt me” (Strubel). He also admitted, “I carried it too far, that’s for sure” (Strubel, Ullman). …show more content…

“Sins of the son.” People, vol. 41, no. 11, 28 Mar 1994, p. 38. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=9405172532. Accessed 18 April 2018.

“Jeffrey Dahmer Biography.” The Biography.com website, 1 Aug 2017. Https:/ www.biography.com/people/Jeffrey-dahmer-9264755. Accessed 18 April 2018.

Kincaid, Cliff. “Glorifying Killers Now the TV Rage.” Human Events,vol. 50, no. 11, 25 Mar 1994, p. 21. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=9405242461. Accessed 4 April 2018.

Pearson, Michael. “Jeffrey Dahmer’s killer explains why he did it.” CNN, 30 Apr 2015, https://www.cnn.com/2015/04/30/us/feat-Jeffrey-dahmer-killer-explanation/index.html. Accessed 21 March

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