Joe Hoyle Personal Statement Of Faith And Beliefs Essay

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Rev. Joe Hoyle’s Personal Statement of Faith and Belief

There is one God, the God of Israel (Deut 6:4). I believe that God is expressed in three
Persons making up the Trinity: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Each
Person of the Trinity is endowed with the fullness of divinity as well as a distinct identity within the Godhead. However, this distinct identity is not a means of separation, as each member of the Godhead is united in holy and eternal communion with each other.
God the Father
Creator and Sustainer of all that is and ever will be (1 Cor 8:6). All knowing, all powerful and completely sovereign over all of Creation. Ultimately, all things work out to His will.
Jesus Christ, God the Son
Jesus Christ is only begotten Son of God. In the …show more content…

The Spirit is responsible for impressing a person to have faith in
Christ and the Spirit is the indwelling Seal and Promise that brings every believer assurance of faith and the foretaste of its consummation in the end times (2 Cor 1:22).
The Spirit is also the indwelling Counselor, Teacher, and Guide to every believer (John
14:16, 26).
The Holy Bible containing the sixty-six (Protestant) books containing the Old and New
Testaments is the sole authoritative and God-inspired guide for faith and practice of the
Christian religion (2 Tim 3:16). It is infallible and completely trustworthy.
Humanity is a special creation of God. We are a race that was crafted in the image of
God (Gen 1:27). As a result we are designed for special communion with God, not as

 2 merely created beings but as individuals in relationship with God. Through Christ, each individual believer is their “priest” and can competently go before God on their own behalf and the behalf of others (Priesthood of the Believer).
Sin and End Times
By an act of freewill, humanity forsook its initial innocence and close communion with
God to go its own way. (Gen. 2:4-3:24) As a result, the relationship between God