Journal Entry For A Class

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First, I am going to begin this journal entry on my experience from taking this class (Church Renewal and Evangelism). I have mentioned in my book review of my take away feelings about this class. One of the requirements in the assignments for the class was a group project. Personally, I never find it warming to work in a class group project, for the simple reason that one or two persons believe it should be about them and not the group. Having this concept and feeling about the class group project, I was not in class on the day when the groups were selected. Upon receiving an email from one of the classmates (Sophia), looking over the names of the two groups I began to wonder who put the groups together. Returning to class the following week, …show more content…

What I was expecting of a group project first step should be, did not happen; however, what happen from this meeting one individual (Patrick) began to tell the group members how they want the project to, what should be included in the project, but at no time Patrick gave the opportunity to the rest of the members in the to bring to the table their thoughts. We leave the meeting with the other members looking on each other asking each other what is our responsibility to this group. The following week we gather together as our professor instructed the groups again for us to meet. At this meeting, the question asks, what should we use as the pilot for our project. One of the members of the group (John) shares with us of the vacant building that his church owned. This was the first time our group had the opportunity to come to an agreement; however, it was not for long. Before the group could decide as the direction that we should take in putting this project together, Patrick without hearing our inputs began to tell us how he wants this project to go and I would feel the tense of the members. One member, Shayla interrupted Patrick and the path that he was taking the group project and suggested that the members should have a section in this project to work on. This was the best idea I believe so that each group member can be part of the project, but this still did …show more content…

As we settle down in the classroom to conduct our meeting, Carl uploads a sample PowerPoint that he was putting together on a building project for a Youth Group House that he wanted to do. Before the members could give their input to Carl idea, Patrick cut it off giving all the reasons that Carl PowerPoint was not the ideal one. I applaud Carl he did not question Patrick and the members once again were quiet and listen to Patrick telling us how we should go about the project and what he was going to do and send it out to us. It was time again for us to return to class, another meeting ends without us knowing or coming closer to which way we were going to putting this project