Just Checking Should Be Banned

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In 2013 a commercial advertisement aired during The Super Bowl, that advertisement caused so much controversy that people started requesting that it get banned. The issue with commercial was simply the fact that it featured and mixed family with an interracial child. The fact that so many people tune into The Super Bowl is what seemed to have set this off, many people believed it didn’t portray the “modern American family”. While many people expressed how they felt about the allowance of portraying an interracial family during such huge event was “disgusting”, but the children from Kids React have very open minded approach to the commercial. These commercial opened up the eyes of the American people to see that we are still not excepting of …show more content…

After her mom says yes the camera cuts, you see her African American father lying on the couch, he appears to be napping, then he moves and awakes only to have cheerios fall off shirt, where his heart is, and that is the entire commercial. Watching the children of Kids React watch this commercial it is evident that they only see the compassion within this little girl, that she is genuinely concerned with her father’s wellbeing. They thought it was adorable what this little girl was doing for her father, or at least thought she was dong. So when the Benny and Rafi Fine start asking their question, it is clear that they are confused on why people have an issue with this commercial. The difference in their reactions are very insightful, because these kids are of all different shapes, sizes, and colors, so they all view things differently. Although their view and experiences are different they all have a common opinion on this commercial, that there is nothing distasteful about it. When the kids had questions directed at them about why the commercial caused such a stir in the media, they had no idea why people had an issue with this commercial. That is because upon first glance it does not stand out to you that it is an …show more content…

As an African American woman, I can vividly see that that is not always the case. The African American society of Generation Me has beaten itself down so badly that it is often one of us who takes the first swing at ourselves. The comments on this commercial video once uploaded in May of 2013 were so vulgar and offensive that Cheerios had them disabled. One African American user commented "Surprised the dad [an African American Man] is still around." If all we do is constantly tear down our structure, how do we expect to stand on top of anything. Generation Me is different in so many ways then generations that have come and gone from this world, above anything else Generation Me is a generation of ignorance, we do what is popular versus what is right. I say this because not matter how we try to go around this it is true, we formulate our opinions based off of our parents. Twenge noticed this while doing her study on Generation Me "Many young people I've talked to mention interracial dating as the biggest difference between them and their parents: many of their peers date across race lines, but their parents don't agree with this." (Twenge 34) How Generation Me tends to go about that can happen three ways, one: the opinion we formulate is the same as our parents', two: we choose formulate an opinion that goes against what our parents'