KCAD Inclusion Plan

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A Diversity and Inclusion Plan for KCAD
All learners are welcome at Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris
State University. As a college within Ferris State University, we look to the words of its founder, Woodbridge N. Ferris, who is credited as saying, “My plea in Michigan—and it will be my plea to the last breath I draw, and the last word I speak—is education for all children, all men, and all women of
Michigan, all the people in all our states all the time.”
KCAD values diversity. We recognize the myriad ways in which we differ: by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, social class, ability, faith and ethical values, national origin, and political beliefs. All of these provide a richness that greatly enhances our …show more content…

An inclusive KCAD is a community that provides a safe, welcoming, and diverse environment in which to live, learn, work, and play.
This is the KCAD we are creating, one in which students, faculty, and staff work together to explore the ways creative expression and innovation in the fields of art and design can meaningfully shape the local and global communities of which we are a part.
Introduction and Background
In 2013, the KCAD Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee was formed to identify KCAD’s challenges and strengths in these areas. It recommends institutional goals, structures, initiatives and policies relevant to supporting, educating, and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
What are Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
KCAD upholds civic responsibility as a core value in its mission by encouraging and supporting diversity, and this is an integral part of how we define leadership.
Diversity recognizes and embraces our differences, both individual and social differences. Below are just some of the ways we at KCAD—we as humans—may be different from one another:
Gender identity
Gender expression
Citizenship status
Sexual orientation
Political …show more content…

• Objective 1: Recruit and retain a diverse student body.
• Objective 2: Recruit and retain diverse faculty and staff.
• Objective 3: Enhance programs and curriculum to engage discourse and learning around the topics of diversity and inclusion.
Through this Strategic Priority KCAD seeks to recruit, enroll, and support a broader pool of diverse students. This includes expansion of our early engagement pipeline for diversity through a strengthening of our K-12 connectivity in the city and the state to include more Dual-enrollment opportunities, more faculty outreach, and more continuing education for youth and K-12 teachers. KCAD seeks to address economic barriers for potential students.
In addition, KCAD seeks to enhance and grow global opportunities for students and encourage international students through partnerships with overseas institutions and enhanced support for international students on campus. KCAD seeks to develop diversity and inclusion awareness on campus through curriculum, programs, study abroad opportunities, awareness programming, and student activities.
Final Words
KCAD nurtures creativity. We challenge ourselves to learn from the