
Kaminist By Karim Nader: What Is Memory?

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What is memory?
The storage of memories is usually thought of as a tiny filing cabinet in the brain used to store important information away for later. If this is true though, where do the folders come from? What are they made of? And, how are they stored? No matter the answer to these questions, we should all be thankful that we have the honor to own the greatest instrument that could ever be thought of, the mind.
According to amateur philosopher Luke Mastin and neurologist Dr. Hugo Spiers “The answer lies in the multitude of… connections between the neuronal cells.” “Each element of a memory is encoded in the same part of the brain that created that fragment.” Two people from two entirely different branches of science have both reached the …show more content…

In an interview for the Smithsonian Magazine he states that “short-term memories—those lasting a few minutes—involve relatively quick and simple chemical changes to the synapse,” but in order to “build a memory that lasts hours, days or years, neurons must manufacture new proteins and expand the docks” In his studies Nader has been able to create drugs that will remove the ability to create memories for a short period of time, this works by preventing the brain from making new proteins, therefore no new docks for the memories. The purpose of this experiment is to show that memories are capable of being altered in many …show more content…

Scientists are nowhere near being able to figure out what memory is. They know that it all happens in the brain, and they have even discovered which parts of the brain work with which memories, but they are unsure what makes them. Take a visual memory for instance. You might have had a bad run in with a dog as a child. In your mind you see the dog dart towards you and you flinch right before it bites. It takes around one hundred fifty milliseconds for the image of the dog attacking to make it from your eye to your brain. Another one hundred to six hundred milliseconds for you to react to it. When you remember the incident it can happen indefinitely fast or slow, defying logic. Physics says that the fastest thing in the universe is light, but by just the simple thought of thinking about something faster than light, something faster than light has been created. The human mind is more than innumerable electrical currents flowing through the brain it is an incomprehensible idea that can never be understood as it is what does the

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