Karen Moore Interview

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The guest speaker was Karen Moore who has a bachelor’s degree in Medieval Russian History. Karen has worked for three separate academic institutions including Florida State University (FSU) in the marketing and Public Relations departments. Wanting to start her own business, she left FSU and decided to start her own consulting group called Moore Consulting Group, later renamed Moore Communication Group. Karen emphasized professionalism in her presentation and offered many useful tips for our use in the future. One of these was a demonstration on how to properly shake someone’s hand. This may seem like a simple task, but if done incorrectly it could ruin your interview from the start. Karen brought a student up to the front of the room and provided insight onto the proper technique such as each person gets three shakes while they introduce themselves. This is essential information because there is not a book on how to properly shake someone’s hand and to hear how to do it from a proven successful businesswoman is priceless. She also told the class how to introduce oneself to a lesser or greater person. The handshake is often the most overlooked part of a business meeting or interview, yet it is a signal to your potential employer or customer about what type of attitude you have towards business. Another one of Karen’s main points was the emphasis on …show more content…

This is quite alarming because she also dropped a staggering statistic that 82% of people that are hired are based on those first impressions. This is a major part of the hiring process and the potential employer does not look at your resume or even how well you perform in the interview if you do not make a great first impression. Karen included doing your research, your handshake, what you are wearing, and the first words that come out of your mouth to making an important first