Summary: Video Interview With Ketchum's Stephen Waddington

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PR is the Future of Building Relationships: Video Interview with Ketchum’s Stephen Waddington

What does the future of public relations hold us? We live in an era of influence, where advice from a relative or peer is increasingly driving our purchasing decisions and shaping our opinions. That is why companies are reaching out to influencers to advocate their products, services and brands. By combining the influencer’s and company’s community, these third party individuals share valuable content to inspire and build a win-win relationship.

We had the unique opportunity to be at the World Public Relations Forum 2016 in Toronto, where Deirdre Breakenridge, our digital correspondent the event, was able to gather insights on the current trends in the PR space from various PR thought leaders. As one of our hosts, we had the pleasure to host Stephen Waddington (@wadds), Partner and Chief Engagement Officer at Ketchum, and discuss about what the future of PR means for him. …show more content…

Stephen emphasizes honesty, openness and integrity as the driving values that must align between the influencer and a company. Sharing common values and objectives is imperative for a healthy coexistence between companies and influencers because it allows both ends to mutually build and share value with the communities that they represent.

In the discussion, we dived deeper on how to measure the performance of influencer programs: How do you measure performance and success of influencer programs? Stephen mentions that quantitative indicators such as reach, resonance and impressions can measure the impact of your influencer program on the public, however he emphasizes that measuring your results against qualitative objectives is paramount. He supports that building value goes beyond numbers: “Numbers are a proxy, but you have to get to the value at the

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