Leadership And Collaborative Experiences In The Concordia Doctorate Program

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The leadership/teaching, mindset, and collaborative experiences in the first year Concordia doctorate program have significantly influenced my personal and professional life in a positive way. Upon reflection of the last year’s work, a matrix revealed several themes that emerged as significant in my worldview: leadership/ teaching, mindset, and collaboration, and through the application of these themes, communication and organization styles have flourished, leading to a less undivided life (Palmer, 2008). Incorporating transformative learning styles and growth mindset into teaching resulted in earning tenure. Integrating new leadership skills and collaborative working style with enhanced communication and organizational tools resulted in a new faculty/administration role, which is teaching the faculty about assessment at Southwestern Oregon Community college. Indeed, increasing the effectiveness of teachers is the ultimate goal of completing the program; thus, using …show more content…

Immediately integrated into everyday life actions and choices was Palmer’s (2008) circle of trust concept as a leadership tool, which created a positive change in the relationships between administration, students, staff, and myself. Indeed, the circle of trust leadership approach “. . . provided me an opportunity to examine the classroom failure in a new light” (Ashpole, 2016b, p.2). Another positive leadership change was the realization that distorted assumptions influence learning styles, which led to a different teaching approach. Reframing ideas and using transformative teaching techniques learned this first year, have helped me to assist students in seeking their authentic self (Ashpole, 2017a, p. 4). Using the transformative stages of learning and breaking though distorted assumptions resulted in better communication with students and increased their academic