Leadership Application Essay Examples

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Like you, I firmly believe that a vibrant system of public education is vital to the long-term sustainability and success of our society. Consequently, I have deep respect for the work being done by ImpactTulsa and its partners to improve educational outcomes for students in the Tulsa area. I am writing to you today because I feel my leadership experience and vision, strategic planning skills, and advocacy for public education make me a strong candidate for the Executive Director position of ImpactTulsa.

My attached resume provides a summary of my experience and qualifications. My 14 years as a school principal and assistant superintendent in two large Tulsa-area districts have prepared me well for the demands of this position. Combined with my ten-years as an active duty officer in the United States Marine Corps, I have developed the ability to effectively build culture, establish a vision and adeptly lead an organization towards operational improvement.

Moreover, I invested several …show more content…

In 2014, I was awarded the Advocate for Academic Freedom Award from the Oklahoma Education Association. Moreover, in 2015, I was selected as the Oklahoma Middle School Principal of the Year by the Cooperative Council for School Administration (CCOSA) and one of six finalists for the National Principal of the Year from the National Association for Secondary School Principals (NASSP). My educational blog, viewfromtheedge.net, has attracted an audience of over 4,000 regular readers and has reached over 1.1 million page views in just 30 months. Finally, I have been invited to present at numerous legislative interim committees and task forces, parent action committees, the state PTA organization, OEA events, state and national education conferences, and keynote speeches and training for numerous Oklahoma school