Leadership In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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All leaders are, in a way, misunderstood by the actions they are enforcing and taken for granted by the people whom they strive to protect. It’s only natural for citizens to feel somewhat disconnected from the leaders in their lives. A manager’s motives for a lay-off can never fully be understood by the workers in the same way as a government officials’ efforts can never be fully admired by their citizens, where neither the workers or the citizens can ever begin to fully comprehend the thoughts of the one leading them. A major downfall with individuality is that, it creates hiatuses of unfamiliarity between people, and these gaps only create more tension, when one person has more authority over the other. This leads into problem, going from …show more content…

Ralph strives every day to work hard and be the leader that he knows the group needs if they ever want to survive and be rescued. He makes sure to everything in his skillset and all the material and scraps they find, to build fires and huts to survive, as well as, to maintain peace on the island. He assigns roles and positions to the appropriate individuals, oversees various projects and duties that must be accomplished for the groups survival and safety (maintain a fire, building shelter, arranging a hunting group), while being enthusiastic and reminding the boys of what must be finished. These are some critical responsibilities for a twelve-year-old kid, but he is a go getter, he bears the tasks burdened onto his shoulders, and accomplishes these duties with great skills. Ralph realizes that the “littluns,” along with some of the older boys, don’t fully understand that leadership means sacrifice. Being a leader requires strength, determination, have a goal and purpose, and wanting the best for the group or society they are protecting and serving. They are blind to the simple fact that, while they act on their own self-interest, Ralph is forced to build his life around one priority: the group’s overall