Letter Of Reference For Sara Cathcart

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It is with extreme pleasure that I write this letter of reference for Ms. Sara Cathcart. Sara is an extremely hard working, caring individual, who is an exceptional student athlete, involved in student governance, and most importantly, a wonderful person. Sara is currently in her grade twelve year.

Sara is a unique individual. Sara is an intense young lady who is passionate about all that she does. A very special quality of Sara is her kind heart and the way in which she embraces everyone in her world. Her passion, her genuine and empathetic attitude and the way she accepts everyone, sets Sara apart. She is the type of person that people like and respect and who is counted on to make sure things get done.

A confident young lady, Sara is courageous in her wiliness to take risks. She is simply a “doer.” Never shying away from a challenge, Sara not only will take on whatever is presented to her, but she will do an exceptional job in the process. She is an outstanding communicator with refined listening skills and a great ability to work with people. Sara is also a very creative individual who has the ability to translate her creative visions into practical realities. …show more content…

Never willing to give it less than her very best, Sara can be counted on to complete any task presented to her. Sara has been a regular recipient of the school’s Straight A Award, Principal’s Honour Roll and was named the Top All Around Student in her Grade 10 Year. She has also been the recipient of a variety of subject awards, has been recognized as the Top Athlete of the Year, and is currently Student Council Vice

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