Letter To Mary Queen Of Peace (MQP)

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I have learned so many great thing at Mary Queen of Peace, from how to spell my name to the importance of my faith. My faith is definitely something that has grown stronger from my years of being at MQP. When I came here in kindergarten I didn’t know a single prayer and was really confused when almost everyone in my class knew the Our Father when the Morning Show was playing, but I learned it in no time. I also learned the importance of all of the prayers and what they all meant. Some of the most important things I have learned is the power of faith, and friendship. I was so excited when I received my First Communion, I felt like I was growing up and becoming more involved with my faith. When I first received Communion at school during church, I felt like one of the big kids for one of the first times in my life. Now, I have been here for the past nine years and have recently gotten Confirmed into the Catholic Church, and I could not feel better about that decision. …show more content…

In kindergarten, we learned how to tie our shoes, and now some of us are learning Algebra 1. But, I have not only learned the knowledge of academics, but the knowledge of how to be a good person. One of the first things I was taught was to say sorry if I bumped into someone, and to say please and thank you whenever I could. Through my years at Mary Queen, I have made some pretty amazing friendships as well. The very first friend I made was Sophie Slinkard, she was playing house and I asked if I could and she said yes. I have made many more friends that I will never forget, and hope to stay in touch with throughout high school. Ever since that day, we were best friends. I have made countless memories that will stay with me