Letter To Peggy Heller School Board Members

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Dear Peggy Heller School Board Members,

I am a sixth grade teacher at Peggy Heller Elementary. Being a previous student at this school, I find great passion towards having art provided to our students. Without art, I would not have had the vision or creativity that has driven me to become a teacher at this school. Seeing as funding is an issue, we, as staff and parents, need to come together to provide funding for a comprehensive arts education program for our elementary school.

I am writing because, like you, I want to see the students in our schools succeed. I have a passion for seeing students succeed and in order to do so, their creativity is highly important. According to California Alliance for Arts Education, “Extensive research …show more content…

“Between 1999 and 2004, student enrollment in music education declined by 47%.” Seeing how this is a large issue we are being faced with in California, it is our job to fight back and join together to address our issues.

My own experience in the arts has shown me that creativity assists in making us stand out as an individual. Individually is a key role in the workfield as well as in having a successful life. Without arts, I would have never known my love for expressing myself in ways I wouldn’t have ever known without arts in my educational career.

A broad body of research has established the ways in which arts education can make a difference to student engagement and learning in the classroom. Here are some of the findings, “As schools have felt increasing pressure from standardized tests and federal mandates to spend more time on reading and math, school curricula is narrowing in focus, leading to a 22% reduction in the amount of time spent on arts and music instruction.” There is an increasing issue with targeting arts when there is a lack of time for other areas in …show more content…

I have personally created works of art for my family members and seeing their reactions to my piece have given me a new found confidence. Having them show up to my plays and knowing that what I was doing was important made me feel self worth. I remember creating abstract art in elementary school and my mom was so proud of my work that she hung it up for everyone to see. It made me start thinking of professions that I would like to obtain and branched my love of education. I thank the arts for the person I have become and would love to see it’s continuation in education for future