Lies In Romeo And Juliet

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The story is a so-called love story, but this love is built of lies and many unfortunate events. Romeo and Juliet is a popular story by William Shakespeare, based in Verona, Italy. Two lovers that are forbidden because of decades of family hatred. Romeo and Juliet constantly defy authority in this story. Romeo is constantly very nice and respectful, and knows not to hang around the Capulet family. When he hears his current fascination, Rosalin will be at the Capulet party. Romeo says “I’ll go along no such sight to be shown, But to rejoice in the splendor of mine own”(1.2.5.). He said that to his best friend Marcuoso and cousin Benvolio. He is telling them that he will be going to the Capulet party. This is a really big decision. This will be the first time Romeo and Juliet …show more content…

They have the Friar marry them. Only three people knew about this marriage, meaning the majority of people didn’t know anything about it. One of the people that did not know about it is Juliet’s cousin Tyblt. After arguing, Tyblt stabs Marcuoso; this causes Romeo to kill Tyblt. This, sadly, is the beginning of many tragedies. “The Prince experessly hath Forbid this bandying in Verona streets.”(3.1.89-90). This was the beginning of the downfall, Juliet would learn about her husband for three hours, and was banned around the same time she learned about Romeo she learned about Tybalt. In Juliet’s mind, there were only two options, but both had the same outcome in her mind. Option one leaves her whole life and family behind and be with Romeo, or option two ends her life. Her parents wanted her to marry the County of Paris. He was twenty-nine. There was a sixteen year age gap between the two. So in not wanting to marry Paris because she was married to Romeo, she went to see Friar Laurence. He gives Juliet a very detailed plan for her to be with Romeo, she is given a vial that has a poison that will make her appear dead for forty