Life Orientation: Alcohol Assignment Analysis

3025 Words13 Pages

Carly Heymann 11Q
Life Orientation: Alcohol Assignment

Task 1: Advert:

1. In both adverts alcohol is indirectly portrayed by showing us, the viewers the effects it can have on our bodies after a night of binge drinking and therefore convincing the viewers to abstain from returning home in the condition that is portrayed in the advert.

In the binge drinking girl advert, we see how alcohol makes us think and act differently from how we would normally be. In the beginning of the advert, the girl is putting something sexy on, rather than dressing appropriately, she then rips her shirt and we can see her lingerie. She then vomits in the sink and all over her hair, and this is caused by her having to get rid of all the excess toxins that she has in her body from the alcohol. She then smears her make up all over her …show more content…

They need to look after themselves and make sure that they do not fall into another addiction in the future. Alcoholism can increase family problems and cause relationships to break. Alcohol can act as a depressant and can cause a change in personality. It often causes divorce and effects children that have parents suffering from the addiction. The children can develop learning issues and behavioural problems. Their friends and family must be aware that they cannot drink so that they are never offered any alcohol in case they are tempted to try it. After rehab, the person must never drink again, even though it will be tough, family, friends and colleagues must motivate them to keep strong and strive to be sober and healthy thereafter. Rehabilitation is a long and draining process and can even ruin relationships. All consequences of alcoholism link with each other and all have effects which are

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