Lisieux House Captain: Qualities Of An Effective Leader

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Lisieux House Captain Application There are many qualities that an effective leader can have the first thing i would say an effective leader must have is perseverance/motivation, in all the great leaders throughout history, you see that none of them back down, none of them give up they keep trying to achieve their goals. Another quality that an effective leader must have is humbleness, a leader needs to keep an open mind and not let the power of being a leader go to his or her head, they need to respect and consider other people's opinions and know that their idea may not always be the best idea, and what's important is making the best decision. An effective leader must also be very virtuous, in order to lead their people into the right situation or place, a leader can lead people into a very bad place but that does not make them effective. Effective leaders must also be very open, not only to receiving ideas but also in the sense that they need to not hide anything have no …show more content…

The three V’s work together to make a perfect house almost. Virtus meaning excellence or courage has been something that has impacted my life because it has given me a goal to strive for excellence and to be courageous to try new things and not to be afraid to speak my mind or do something that might make uncomfortable as long as it's good. Veritas, meaning truth, has been something that i've always tried to live my life on, I like to be truthful in everything that I do, and to lead other people to the truth as well. Victoria, meaning victory or success, has been another thing that i've tried to achieve and will never stop looking to achieve, I want to be successful in everything that I do no matter what and it keeps me trying and