Long Term Consequences Of Child Abuse Essay

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When in the moment of abuse, no one focuses on the long-term effects that can be faced. The main focus is getting the child out of their situation. Although that is very important, it is also important to pay attention to the consequences and its long-term effects. Child abuse can either have physical or emotional consequences on the victim, and even the perpetrator. Many people think that since the abuser is the one doing these horrific acts, that they have not been through it or could be affected. There are many different consequences that come with abuse. Consequences and effects depend on what kind of abuse is being faced. In most cases of physical and sexual abuse, it is followed by many physical consequences. Different types of physical …show more content…

Bruises on a child’s knees or elbows are low suspicion, but if there are any bruises on the child’s stomach, chest, back of legs, or ears are spots that raise a high suspicion for child abuse. Another consequence is the development of an eating disorder. Eating disorders are most commonly linked as a consequence of sexual abuse. Although in some cases it is not directly linked to abuse, it is commonly found in victims of abuse. In the article “Eating Disorders: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Treatment Options” it discusses how “child physical abuse was associated with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, while child emotional abuse was related just to bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.” (Morton 161). Although eating disorders may or may not be directly linked to the abuse itself, the effects and traumatic events can cause an eating disorder. Another physical consequence, and the worst one, is death. Although it is not common for most cases of child abuse to end in death, there are cases when this is the consequence. Not only does abuse play a part in these fatalities, but so does neglect and …show more content…

Out of all the consequences of child abuse, fatalities are the ones that receive the most attention in society through the media. In most cases, the mother of the child and their boyfriends are the perpetrators. The case that stuck out to me the most was the case of Gabriel Fernandez. Gabriel was an 8-year-old boy who was murdered by his mother and her boyfriend. For years he was physically abused, and was investigated by many, but there had been no steps taken until it was too late. There are no physical consequences to child abuse. Examples of non-physical consequences of child abuse include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Repressed Memory, and Intellectual Problems. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that is linked to a traumatic event that someone has experienced in their life. PTSD is a very common mental disorder for victims of child abuse. PTSD does not just come in the form of a panic attack, it can also be seen as learning difficulties, emotional numbness, as well as simple issues of lack of sleep and